In the same week that Brazil saw a major win against fossil fuel extraction, it also experienced the nightmarish side effects of the oil industry.  The Northeast coast of Brazil suffered a vast oil spill that hit dozens of beaches. Millions of lives are still affected by this crime: fishermen, indigenous peoples, those in the local tourism industry and entire marine ecosystems. 

Specialists in prevention and damage reduction of oil spills say the Brazilian government took insufficient and tardy measures to contain the spread of the spill and that official agencies which should protect marine life and local populations are not working properly. Inhabitants of the regions affected are furious at the negligence toward their welfare.


Despite this tragedy, major fossil fuel corporations keep expanding oil drilling in Brazil – and profiting from it. On November 6th and 7th, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Equinor, Shell, and others plan to bid in a ridiculous auction to sell off even more of the country’s oil reserves. While oil corporations hope that the new blocks will generate from 6 to 15 billion barrels of crude oil (twice as much as Norway’s reserves), more than 60,000 artisanal fishermen and fisherwomen across the Northeast coast of Brazil are struggling to sell their catch because of the contamination of the marine life in the region by a thick, toxic oil.

This doesn’t make any sense.

Which is why, November 5th to 6th, and a number of local civil society organizations are holding protests in Rio de Janeiro, where the auction is happening, to oppose to oil extraction, demand respect for the rights of communities and draw attention to the global climate crisis.

You can help call an end to this absurd auction by sharing this news. The people of Brazil want a sea free of devastating oil spills and the greed of fossil fuel corporations. Click to tweet


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