The campaign to send the next Prez to Poland (for the UN Climate Meetings this December) is succeeding beyond our dreams. Together, we’ve sent over 18,000 invitations to the candidates to attend the meetings. Now, we’re trying to break 20,000 before Wednesday night’s Debate in Hempstead, NY.

Haven’t sent your invitation yet? Click here.

If you have sent an invitation, now it’s time to help spread the word. Help push us over 20,000 by forwarding the campaign’s animation to friends and family – and make sure to ask them to add their voice to this growing movement.

At the final Presidential debate, this Wednesday, supporters will gather outside the debates, dressed as pilots and flight attendants, carrying a giant ticket to Poland for the next US President. The ticket is a symbol of the thousands of invitations you’ve helped send the candidates. staff are working to make sure the campaigns know about this delivery.

Help us get to 20,000 signatures by sharing the campaign animation over:




Thanks for your help!

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