Tonight the Do the Math crew wrapped up yet another awesome show in Philadelphia. Tomorrow they head to Washington DC for another tour stop—but this time with a special add-on: after the DC show wraps up, we’ll get on our feet, hit the streets, and raise our voices against Keystone XL.

This will be the biggest demonstration since President Obama was elected for a second term. The President needs to know that we’re still here, and that we will still hold him to the promises he made way back in 2008. If he’s serious about tackling climate change, President Obama needs to reject Keystone XL once and for all. He has the power to stop this dangerous pipeline with his pen, but he won’t unless we make a lot of noise.

If you can join us in DC tomorrow, please do:

But for the many who can’t make it, please join us in spirit and online: Sign the pledge and watch a livestream of the DC event, starting at 1:00 PM EST.

Here’s a short message that Bill shot tonight backstage in Philadelphia:

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