I am joining over 200 people around the United States and in 6 countries today in Fasting for Our Future.  We’re not eating — for one day, two days, a week, or some people longer — as a call for strong US federal action on climate change.

The fast begins today as members of US Congress return to Washington D.C. from their spring recess, and some people will be continuing the fast for up to 40 days or more.  The 40 day mark will symbolize the need for the United States to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% (below 1990 levels) by the year 2020.

Why fast?  Mahatma Gandhi called fasting, “the sincerest form of prayer” — a phrase I can appreciate as my mid-afternoon hunger persists and grows.  To speak for myself, I am fasting as a personal statment — a physical act that to whomever might hear of it might better understand some aspect of my own passion and sense of urgnency on this issue beyond simply what I can express through words.  I am fasting in order to stand in solidarity with those who will carry on the fast for the full 40+ days.  I am fasting as a means of concentrating my own mind and intentions on this crisis as well as on my hopes and visions for a better world. 

And so for me, this is a joyous act, one that I encourage other to join if they feel so moved.  I will be fasting for just 2 days (or roughly 350 minutes…8 times over), but for me and for many others this movement continues on day to day in many forms.  And if you don’t join us this time around, there are ample opportunities for getting involved as we move on.

Here’s to our future…

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