Posters have the magnificent ability to use striking visuals to get people’s attention.  Some would say creating powerful posters that get people to stop, think and act is an amazing skill.  We agree.

Many movements throughout the world use posters to say in simple, striking visuals what tons of words simply can’t. loves using creative visuals to engage people everywhere. sites/all/files/children._3.jpg

We’ve also discovered that 350 is made up of talented people – some of the most passionate, creative and artistic people in the world.

So show us what you got!

Send in the posters you’re creating for Moving Planet, this year’s day of climate change action – September 24, 2011.  (Click here for Moving Planet information and ideas.)
And we’ll share the best posters with the world.  Specifically, we’ll share the top 10 posters on Huffington Post (one of the world’s top websites), where the world will vote for the best 3 posters.  These posters will then be highlighted on’s homepage, Facebook, and Twitter reaching over 500,000 people globally.

To submit your poster:

*EMAIL an image file of your poster as an attachment to [email protected]
*SUBJECT – in the subject of your e-mail, include "SEPT 24 POSTER"
*BODY OF E-MAIL – your complete name, e-mail address, and country

Deadline is extended toMidnight EST Sunday, August 31 2011

Here are a couple posters to get your creative juices flowing! Check out more posters, and review the latest submissions here




For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
