May 1, 2014 Reacts to Landrieu, Hoeven Bill to Build the Keystone XL Pipeline

Washington, DC — founder Bill McKibben issued the following reaction to the news that Sen. Landrieu and Sen. Hoeven have introduced a bill that would green light construction of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

“The endless attempts of bought-off politicians with Big Oil money to ram this thing through America’s Heartland are as disheartening as they are predictable. We will do all we can to meet their money with science and their cynicism with conviction.” Communications Director Jamie Henn added:

“We’ve now got a clearer list of who is doing the bidding of Big Oil instead of standing up for the American people. This sort of bill is exactly the reason why Congress is less popular than cockroaches. Keystone XL remains a climate disaster and clearly fails President Obama’s own test for approving the project.”


1. Congress less popular than cockroaches:
