June 18, 2015

350.org statement on the release of Pope Francis’ encyclical

VATICAN CITY — 350.org Executive Director, May Boeve, issued the following statement on the release of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment:

“The Pope’s moral call to action is crystal clear: it’s time to move away from fossil fuels and towards a clean energy future. By putting the climate crisis in spiritual and moral terms, Pope Francis has focused a spotlight on the ethical and economic shift we urgently need in order to prevent catastrophic climate change and tackle growing inequality. There’s no doubt this letter will add momentum to the millions of institutions, elected officials, and people across our planet calling for action on climate change. Today, it’s clearer than ever that the end of the fossil fuel era is upon us — and so too, we hope, the end of the era of rising poverty and inequality. The Pope’s call only hastens our transition to a clean energy future, adding even more momentum to the fast-growing movement to divest from fossil fuels.”



CONTACT: Hoda Baraka, 350.org Global Communications Manager, +201001840990, [email protected]
