The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a secretive trade agreement between 12 countries on the Pacific Rim that could massively boost corporate power at the expense of our climate and environment, human and workers’ rights, sovereignty and democracy. We’re standing with millions of people across the world urging world leaders to publish the text of the TPP as it stands now, and reject efforts to fast-track this agreement in the United States Congress.

Why is this important?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a highly secretive and expansive free trade agreement between the United States and twelve Pacific Rim countries, including Canada, Mexico, New Zealand and Australia. Leaked text reveals that the TPP would empower corporations to directly sue governments in private and non-transparent trade tribunals over laws and policies that corporations allege reduce their profits. Legislation designed to address climate change, curb fossil fuel expansion and reduce air pollution could all be subject to attack by corporations as a result of TPP. Additionally, the deal could criminalize internet use, undermine workers’ and human rights, manipulate copyright laws, restrict government regulation of food labeling and adversely impact subsidized healthcare.

This week, Wikileaks released newly leaked documents that confirm the worst: the United States’ TPP negotiating team is walking away from supporting strong environmental safeguards. Without protections for land use, logging, and climate pollution, the TPP has gone from a bad deal to a disastrous one.

The movement we are building locally, nationally and globally to move beyond fossil fuels and create a safe climate future is growing by the day and the fossil fuel industry is getting scared of the uncertainty ahead. The TPP is a symptom of this fear – a massive bid to overthrow any restrictions we might throw at them. But we can stop this. The might of our movement is greater than their money or manipulation.

Click here to send a message to world leaders rejecting the Trans-Pacific Partnership >>

And if you live in the United States, click here to send a message demanding your Members of Congress oppose fast-tracking to agreement >>

Check out this infographic that we put together to spread the word about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and make sure to share it with your friends!


To download a printable PDF version of this poster, click here. (Printable on “Legal” sized paper)

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