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Dear Friends,

Barcelona, Spain is ground zero for the climate world this week–the last official UN negotiating session before the Copenhagen climate talks next month.  I’m here with a few other members of the crew, working as hard as we know how to take the momentum you provided on Oct. 24 and put it to the best use.

Check out this two-minutes video we just made that shows some of the behind-the-scenes action here in Barcelona:

Now is the time when to make this movement count. We’ve got a massive display space in the heart of the conference center, and we’ve mounted huge photos from October 24th on the walls so that not a single delegate can ignore our message.  We’re also chasing down every delegate we can for private meetings to deliver photos, 350 policy briefings, and the global call for bold climate action coming from all of you.  And while we’re delivering photos here on the international stage, it’s just as important that you do so at home.  Click here to get started with your local delivery:

And here’s the good news: people are listening with open ears–delegates from 181 nations know that citizens from their countries took part. In fact, they’ve been coming up to us to tell us about what went on in their nations."Of course I know about 350," people keep saying. "My son took part," "My daughter was at the rally." We’ve been handing out 350 neckties and they’ve become the must-have souvenir for every hard-working negotiator–at least the ones who want real progress.

And delegates here in Barcelona are still hearing from back home, because many local organizers are delivering photos from their rallies to city, state, and national leaders. Here’s Aaron Packard’s account of how it went down with New Zealand’s environment minister–not a natural ally, politically, but willing to listen because people across that island nation told them exactly what number to be aiming for.

We need you to do the same with your leaders–get started with your own local photo delivery by clicking here:

Public opinion influences these negotiations dramatically, which is why it’s so good that there’s still plenty of media pouring in as a result of Oct. 24–newspaper and TV accounts in many many languages, and also an ever-growing pile of blog posts and YouTube videos. The number has begun to take on a real life of its own–keep nurturing that. No matter where you’re headed, take that 350 banner along: to the football game, to the concert, to the beach.

And if you ever wonder if it’s helping, here’s a couple of measures of how your hard work is paying off:

One is that CNN officially called October 24 "the most widespread day of political action in the planet’s history"–which give us plenty to build on.

And two? That would be a message that arrived a few days ago from Ban Ki Moon, secretary general of the United Nations. He’s the guy ultimately responsible for trying to create a climate deal in Copenhagen, and so he understands better than anyone how important this kind of public pressure is. Here’s how he put it:

"I would like to thank the millions of people in 181 countries who participated in’s Day of Climate Action on 24 October. It was one of the most inspiring examples of grassroots political action on global warming  the world has ever witnessed.  This Day of Climate Action came at a critical time in the global negotiations, and demonstrated that people around the world — from Ethiopia to India, Paraguay to the United States —  understand the scientific challenge the world faces. I encourage governments to heed the example set by their citizens, and to take strong action in Copenhagen to address this crisis through bold, visionary leadership."

Thanks for making this possible.


Teresa Nino and the Team

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