Check out this new "visual essay" from Franke James–long time 350 supporter and amazing artist and storyteller. 

Her story has already inspired people to get involved in 10/10/10 — check it out below!

photo of 3 dogs being walked by Franke James frying planet drawing by Franke James walk and think drawing by Franke James CO2 rising drawing by Franke James toast drawing by Franke James Deepak Chopra drawing by Franke James Flip worry drawing by Franke James Woolly Mammoth antique engraving istock Charles Darwin illustration by Franke James photo illustration by Franke James african desert photo by istock, African sculpture photo by Franke James dinosaur drawing by Franke James with photo by Greenpeace of Tar Sands cloud type illustration by Franke Jamesphoto of flying north by Franke James aerial photo of Newark by Franke James, 2010 Franke James drawing Franke James drawing Franke James drawing mammoth superimposed on Franke James road photo Franke James photo Franke James photo Franke James photo Franke James photo plan  Franke James photo drawing of Google logo search page by Franke James City worries too drawing by Franke James features quote from Toronto's 'Ahead of the Storm brochure photos of Finch Avenue in August 2005 by Franke James photo Franke James photo Franke James photo Franke James photo Franke James photo Franke James photo Franke James photo Franke James photo



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Franke James merges science, art and storytelling to inspire people to take action and “do the hardest thing first” for the planet. Franke uses her skills as an artist, photographer and writer to create visual essays on environmental and social issues. She is the author of two award-winning books, Bothered By My Green Conscience and Dear Office-Politics, the game everyone plays. What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? © 2010 Franke James Photographs, illustrations and writing by Franke James, MFA, except as noted below:

“Cruel Irony” illustration features: Tar sands photo by © Greenpeace Finch Avenue on August 2005: Photos courtesy Cover: "Ahead of the Storm" City of Toronto climate change brochure Heat Island graphic by Clean Air Partnership

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Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet by Bill McKibben

The Weather of the Future: Heat Waves, Extreme Storms, and Other Scenes from a Climate-Changed Planet by Heidi Cullen.

TUCCN: Toronto Urban Climate Change Network

Ahead of the Storm: City of Toronto highlights from climate change report

Environment Canada's Climate Change Hazards by geographic region

Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction: Handbook for Reducing Basement Flooding (2009) ICLR Home Builder's Guide (2009) New York City Plan for Climate Change

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