It's hard to top getting to work with 1500 Scouts, a great, longstanding Dutch NGO, and a talented photographer. These three powerhouses came together last weekend to create a beautiful piece of art and a call to action in the Netherlands to participate in the 10:10 Campaign, our partner for the Global Day on 10/10/10. Here's Robert Van Waarden's iconic shot from the day:

And from Jongeren Milieu Actief, the NGO organizer of the event, a beautifully filmed video short. Has anyone ever noticed how similar many Dutch words are to English? Try to pick out the basics of the 10:10 Campaign from our friend Job even though he is speaking another language. This is all great advance media for the 10/10/10 events planned in the low-lying country, including a live, televised climate TV show in Amsterdam and a political rally in Rotterdam, so please spread them around!