Dear friends,
In’s 2019 Annual Report, we pay close attention to two things: what has already been lost in the climate crisis, and what opportunities remain for the action we desperately need. I made a short video to share my thoughts on the work we embarked on last year:
Urgency animates and is represented in our very name – the threshold, long passed, of safety from climate change. Now, more and more people, places, and species confront this new reality on a daily basis. The COVID-19 pandemic only underscores the pain and challenges we face as a global community. The decisions made in the coming years are always going to be determinative, but with the COVID-19 pandemic and its intersecting economic recession, the choices made now matter more than ever.
Last year, strong signs emerged of the mass movement we’ve been hoping to see and help build since our founding. Youth leaders hit the streets like never before. Political leaders and power brokers were brought to their knees in the face of mounting pressure. New solutions emerged.
We hope this celebration of victories in 2019, and avenues to pursue in the future, will provide needed hope and resolve for the fight ahead. To truly respond to the needs at this time, it is critical that progressive leadership comes together for radical, global collaboration.
We also fervently hope, and know, you’ll see the impact your support has had on us day-in and day-out in this annual report.
Onward, and be well,
May Boeve, Executive Director