Photo: ©Masayoshi Iyoda/350.org

Deepak Bhargava, Board Chair, 350.org

I welcome you to this Annual Report, covering 350.org’s financial year from October 2021 to September 2022, with an acknowledgement of how challenging the year was, with millions of people across the world affected by a multitude of crises: from fossil fuelled wars, rising inflation, and atrocious human rights violations, to the devastating climate impacts that we continue to witness each year.

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the scale and complexity of the crises we face, but I draw hope from the power of collective action rooted in care and community – the power I feel every time I think about 350.org. I see people mobilising, organising and re-imagining our future; I see fresh leadership from across the organisation; I see true change-makers, helping us build the world we deserve.

In February and March 2022, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released their reports on Impacts & Adaptation and Mitigation, and made clear that: “we are at a crossroads [and] the decisions we make now can secure a livable future”. While scientists were sounding the alarm, 350.org was mapping the landscape and identifying the most logical ‘next step’ for rapidly dismantling the fossil fuel industry. While scientists were shouting loud that we already have the tools and know-how to stop the climate crisis, 350.org was building strategic plans to create an alternate world: one powered by community-centred renewable energy systems that are not only cleaner, but also rooted in principles of justice.  

Through my work with marginalised communities in the US, including people on low incomes and in immigrant communities, I have seen first-hand the unequal impacts of global heating, and I have learnt that nimbleness, resilience and strategic rigour are as important as rage, opposition and resistance. The intersection of these elements creates the most powerful energy, capable of uprooting systems. I see this power come alive, thriving and flourishing in the work of the team at 350.org and the communities they are working with. 

It is with great pride that I witnessed 350.org teams across the world assess how to best contribute to our collective movement at this critical moment, and to refocus their strategic direction. All while keeping historical commitments to grassroots leadership development, taking on corporate power, and ensuring that frontline communities are centred throughout their work. 

Inspired as I am by their work to drive change around the world, I feel honoured to be a part of 350.org. It gives me hope about the future, and I hope it does so for you too.


May Boeve, Executive Director, 350.org

Thank you for your attention to our Annual Report, which clocks in at dozens of pages about our wins and learnings, as we continue to battle the climate crisis.

This year’s report is especially worth your time, because we have taken all of our many learnings and decided to shift more of our effort to fighting FOR climate solutions. The hour is late, and we desperately need to build the world we need: governments are moving too slowly –without movement pressure, the limit of 1.5°C, needed to prevent increasingly dangerous and irreversible climate change impacts, escapes from view. 

But it’s a lot to read! And if you ever think it’s a bit too long – I have a short story for you. 

You’re reading this report at a time when many of us are grappling with existential questions about the nature of our work. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the latest in a long line of trends which promise to change everything about the way we live and work. 

These are trends we are watching closely, and learning alongside our allies. But for a little bit of fun, we asked an AI programme to summarise our impact for us, and it came back with a lovely six-slide deck that highlighted our awareness raising efforts from our founding through to the present day. We then asked it to make the presentation shorter.

It scolded us with the following line:

“While it may be tempting to condense a presentation on climate change activism, it is important to remember the gravity of the issue at hand. The work of 350.org and its supporters is not something that can be summarised in a few short sentences. Climate change affects every aspect of our lives and requires significant action from individuals, governments, and corporations alike.”

I can’t help but agree. We hope that you, too, will find that the stories in these pages share the results of your investment in us; and not only that, but that they strengthen your resolve as we continue to push for climate justice, together. 

signature of May Boeve

In FY22, our 130 staff and network of 400+ local groups:






Climate Actions or Events




Mobilised nearly




350.org works with hundreds of partners around the world.

For more information, check our Partners page.


We are so appreciative of the tens of thousands of you who individually donated to grow our people-powered movement. Whether you were able to donate $5 or $5000, we thank you for helping us to fight for people and planet.

Thank you also to the generous foundations and organisations which support us, including those who wish to remain anonymous.

Supporting foundations and organisations

Aaron Rashti Family Foundation
Alper Family Foundation
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
Balgley Family Charitable Foundation
Barbra Streisand
Bernard F. and Alva B. Gimbel Foundation
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Boger Family Foundation
Brampton Charitable Trust
Bunting Family Foundation
Caroline Blanton Thayer Charitable Trust
Charities Aid Foundation
Charles Engelhard Foundation
Charles Spear Charitable Foundation
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Chicago Community Foundation
Chorzempa Family Foundation
Chris Larsen Fund
Clara Jeffery Charitable Foundation
Clif Family Foundation
Climate Ride
ClimateWorks Foundation
Collins Charitable Foundation
Compton Foundation
Cultures of Resistance Network Foundation
Danem Foundation
David L. Klein Jr. Fund
David Rockefeller Fund
Davis/Dauray Family Fund, c/o Leonard and Sophie Davis Fund
Defense Against Thought Control Foundation
DJ McManus Family Foundation
Domont Family Foundation
Donald C. Brace Foundation
Dudley Foundation
Easter Family Fund
EcoEd Foundation
Edouard Foundation, Inc.
Elmo Foundation
Elsie P. van Buren Foundation
Emily Kunreuther Charitable Trust
Endeavor Foundation
Energy Transition Fund
Erol Foundation
Estate of William Francis Salisbury
European Climate Foundation
Ford Foundation
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation in memory of Philip M. Goodman
Friends Provident Foundation
Generation Foundation
George P. Hanley Foundation
Gerald L. Lennard Foundation
Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action: GAGGA
Glynton Handkerchief Company, LLC
Grantham Foundation
Grassroots Foundation
Henocq Law Trust
Hirshan Family Foundation
Holscher Family Charitable Trust
Hopper-Dean Foundation
Howard and Geraldine Polinger Foundation
Irene Ritter Foundation
Jon and Katherine Dart Charitable Foundation
Juan M. Cordova Foundation
Kaplen Brothers Fund
Kendeda Fund
KR Foundation
Lenfestey Family Foundation
Libra Foundation
Living Springs Foundation
Logan Family Partnership
Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation
M&H Schwartz Family Foundation
Makoff Family Foundation
Marisla Foundation
Milner Family Foundation
Mythical Entertainment/Good Mythical Morning
Nathan Cummings Foundation
Nature Defense Foundation
New Energy Works of Rochester, Inc.
New York Puzzle Company
Noblelight Foundation
Oak Foundation
Open Society Foundations
Oppenheimer & Co., Inc.
Overbrook Foundation
Oxfam Novib
Patriot Foundation
Planet Home Charitable Foundation
Powell Foundation
Pryor Family Charitable Fund
Redekop Family Endowment
Reis Family Foundation
Resonance Philanthropies
Rockefeller Brother’s Fund
Rockefeller Family & Associates
S.B. Foundation
Schaffner Family Foundation
Scherman Foundation
Schmidt Family Foundation
Shifting Foundation
Simeon and Jean H. Locke Foundation
Sunrise Project
Tara Climate Foundation
The Green Engineer
Thomas R. and Deborah A. Davidson Foundation
Tides Foundation
Tilia Fund
Treeline Foundation
Wallace Global Fund
Weissman Family Foundation
WestWind Foundation
Wildflower Foundation
Wolff Family Foundation
Workable Alternatives Foundation
Wy’East Foundation
Yellow Chair Foundation

2022 Financials

2022 Revenue

2022 2021
51% Individual Donations $11,082,000 $11,409,000
40% Grants and Foundations $8,564,000 $10,228,000
9% Other Income $1,966,000 $1,518,000
Total 21,612,000 $23,155,000

2022 Expenses

2022 2021
77% Programs $14,673,000 $15,886,000
19% Management & General $3,706,000 $2,943,000
4% Fundraising $820,000 $481,000
Total $19,199,000 $19,310,000

Liabilities and Net Assets

2022 2021
Liabilities $1,268,000 $3,419,000
Net Assets $15,152,000 $12,741,000
Total $16,420,000 $16,160,000

Net Asset Breakdown

2022 2021
Unrestricted $11,627,000 $8,326,000
Temporarily Restricted $3,525,000 $4,415,000
Net Assets $15,152,000 $12,741,000