One of the unexpected delights of our photo account is that–even after October 24th and Copenhagen–people continue to send us the most incredible pictures of actions they’re taking to create a 350 ppm world. Here is a recent dispatch from one intrepid supporter who hails from my own little piece of California.
My name is Khai Nguyen and I live in the Bay Area.
I was in an expedition to ski the last degree to the South Pole. The ski journey started on Dec 20 2009 and finished at the South Pole on Dec 30. We skied the last 60 nautical miles to reach 90 degrees south. I had the 350 logo printed and brought it with me all the way from the San Francisco Bay Area to the South Pole.

Being in Antarctica and at the South Pole is truly an amazing experience and most of all, 350 means even more. Climate change shows its effect the most in the polar regions and no one wants a melting Antarctica.
The picture taken at the South Pole on Dec 31 2009 (US PST)
Khai Nguyen"
You can see all of your photographs on our flickr site at Take them, use them and keep spreading the word!