Here's a great report from organizer Ewan Cameron in Fiji: 

After a fun filled day over 90 people turned up at the University of the South Pacific lower campus in Suva for todays Moving Planet campaign, in addition to the various tree planting activities preformed by communities around Veti Levu, Fiji. The complete count of people registered is yet to come in so it will be exciting to read how many people actually participated. 

Today ways a great display for people power, and I feel a lot more energetic, and inspired by the dedication and hard work done by the 350 Fiji crew and by the entire 350 Pacific gang here.

It’s time to say moce (bye) Fiji and make my way back to Samoa in time for our activity. One of the only times that being in two different time zones worked for me.

To all you people in the Pacific and across the rest of the globe you all rock!  

Moce, ka kite, and fa soifua


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