
Want a preview of what the People’s Climate March will be like on September 21st? Here are just a few photos from the Organizers’ Tour, which hit 6 cities in 12 days to help lay the groundwork for what we hope will be the biggest climate march ever:

At every stop, local organizers noted how surprised they were by the number of new people in the room who came to help build this march into something amazing.

At every event we set up local organizing hubs that are now up and running. You can find the hub nearest you — or get plugged in to hubs working on fracking, coal, and many other issues — by clicking here:

What I saw on the tour is that people from all walks of life are ready to do what it takes to fight for climate justice at this march — and to do it arm in arm, with beautiful art, and with all the joy we can bring.

The 6 stops on the tour were just 6 steps along what’s still a long road to the People’s Climate March in New York this September 21st. If you’re ready to walk it with me, click here to get plugged in, and we’ll make this something amazing.

Onwards and upwards,


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