
Donald Trump’s attacks on people and planet are getting bolder by the day. So are we.

Yesterday he issued an executive order to try and rip apart the Clean Power Plan, the moratorium on coal mining, and other protections for our basic rights to clean air and water. And last week he approved the federal permit for Keystone XL.

On April 29th there will be a full-scale mobilization against every part of Trump’s vicious fossil fuel agenda, and we will show the strength and determination of our opposition.

Today is exactly one month until the Peoples Climate March happening in Washington, DC and across the country, and 100,000 people have already signed up. We want you with us – go here to join this epic wave of action.

If you can’t make it to DC, there are now hundreds of sister marches planned in states from Hawaii to New Hampshire. Find one near you here.

Trump’s actions are a disaster for all of us – but they hurt low-income communities, communities of color, and workers the most. Trump and his administration’s climate denial is racist, classist, and flat out dangerous.

None of these things are a done deal – no matter what Trump says. It would take a year to get to dismantling the Clean Power Plan and expand coal mining the way Trump wants. The Keystone XL pipeline still needs a permit in Nebraska to get built.

The Trump Administration wants to shock us into despair and inaction, but since inauguration we’ve seen what can happen when people in this country mobilize: Trumpcare? Withdrawn. Muslim ban? Blocked. Next we’re taking on Keystone XL, coal expansion, rollbacks to our basic rights to clean air and water – Trump’s entire fossil fuel agenda.

People power works. At the Peoples Climate March, we can show our determination and unity, and transform it into real political power. Sign up here and you’ll get regular announcements over the next month about what you can do as part of this resistance.

The Trump Administration will not be able to keep its promises to their fossil fuel industry backers. Clean energy is on the rise everywhere you look. We will continue our unshakable opposition on the ground, and in the courts – every pipeline, every coal mine, every time.

Game on.


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