As the new Obama administration gears up to hit the ground running on January 20th, they’re also taking questions and suggestions from the audience. At, you can register to submit your own questions, and vote on others that you think are important for the new administration to take a look at. Already there are several questions about 350ppm gaining steam on the website – please help out to show that the world is watching, and that the U.S. must take a strong stance on climate change right away. If you log in to, and then search 350, you’ll see all the questions submitted, and can vote on the ones you like, or add your own. Here are a few excerpts:

Peter Wood from Canberra, Australia writes: “NASA scientist James Hansen has said that we need to stabilise carbon dioxide concentrations at 350 ppm or less, or we risk an ice free planet. Will the administration be willing to do what is needed to avoid dangerous climate change?”

And Gail from New Hampshire adds, “Science tells us the safe level of co2 in the atmosphere is 350ppm. Will Obama bring the message to the American people & world that 350 represents a critical number for the planet’s safety and rally our nation & the world to take immediate action?”

Visit today and add your voice!

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