As many of you know, the 350 team came out in force for last year's Copenhagen Climate Summit–it was an unprecedented mobilization of civil society and governments, and for reasons too many to list here it fell short. 

The debacle in Copenhagen has led some to think outside the box–the box, in this case, being the UN's Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).   Today, our friends at Islands First have taken this issue directly to the UN Security Council–and with report after report demonstrating the grave implications of climate change on global peace, stability, and security, it's no wonder why.

The Pacific Small Island Developing States (Pacific SIDS) at the United Nations called on the Security Council to immediately address the security threats of climate change in a letter sent to Security Council members.  Representatives of the PSIDs are careful to note the importance of the UNFCCC–but pulled no punches about its limits and challenges:

“While the UNFCCC should be the primary forum for developing a global response to climate change, the negotiations are not keeping pace with the severity of the impacts. Many of the responses that may be required are beyond the mandate of the UNFCCC.”

Ambassador Elisaia, Permanent Representative of Samoa to the United Nations

With the future of the UNFCCC still a bit uncertain, it's good to know our allies on the front lines of the climate crisis are exploring every option available to them. 

On a very related note, reps are gearing up for the first ever Pacific Climate Leadership Workshop, a 4-day whirlwind of activity which will bring together people from all over the Pacific Islands for trainings and skillshares, screenings and workshops.  I'm sure that the recent activity at the UN will be a topic of considerable debate–and with the very survival of these nations on the line, that debate couldn't be happening at a more important time.

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