Last night Julia and I had the honour of getting up on stage to accept the social innovation award on behalf of 350 Aotearoa at the Sustainable Business Network Awards here in New Zealand. It was with great joy that we accepted the award in front of the Mayor of Auckland, Members of Parliament, CEOs and community leaders.

It was an amazing recognition of the thousands of people who have committed thousands of hours to creating and driving the 350 movement in every corner of the world. Your efforts have made 350 what it is, and through your efforts we are starting to unleash the social innovation required to get the world back on track to 350ppm. We thank you.

We want to give a special thanks to you and everyone in New Zealand who have organised actions, planted trees, ridden bikes, told all their friends about 350, donated money, and who have supported us each step of the way. We are so excited to keep building this momentum with you, and this award is just a small recognition of your hardwork and dedication.

We also know that we have only just scratched the surface of the movement we need if we are to push for the solutions we need and to win them. So we’ve got to keep on innovating, keep on working hard, keep on growing and we hope you can continue to join us!

Thanks to the great hosts, Sustainable Business Network, and huge respect to all the other award winners and entrants who are doing world changing work.

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
