January 24, 2025 Behind the shock & awe: More profit for the wealthy elite Trump left the Paris Agreement amidst a flurry of Executive Orders, and he wants us to feel overwhelmed and powerless. We must refuse, and we...
November 19, 2024 350.org Calls on U.S. Congress to Block $20 Billion Weapons Deal to Israel 350.org unequivocally supports Senator Sanders' Joint Resolutions of Disapproval and calls on the Senate to halt the $20 billion weapons deal that President Biden approved...
July 15, 2024 Resilience Amidst Upheaval: Reflections on U.S. Political Violence In the midst of political violence in the U.S. and across the world, 350.org North America Director Jeff Ordower offers thoughts and resources on how...
July 12, 2024 In the fight for utility and climate justice, public knowledge is power Utility companies don't want us to teach people how they operate. So that's exactly what we did in our public education series, and now we're...