Our friend Tim DeChristopher is now in his fourth month in prison–for peacefully (and creatively) protecting pristine public lands, and our planet’s climate system, from big oil companies. Check out more about Tim’s story at the group he helped start, Peaceful Uprising.

Over the weekend, Tim sent us these words in support of the action to surround the White House this Sunday (Nov 6th). He wanted to make a video, but they don’t allow that behind bars. So, in the tradition of the human mic, we want to see if we can work together to make Tim’s words echo across the country.

Can you take a few minutes to turn on your web-cam or grab a camera and record yourself reading this speech? Upload it to YouTube with the tag “TimNoKXL” and we’ll put all the videos together into a single version to share with the world. 

We’ll do our best to make sure Tim sees a copy too. If you can, please get your video clips in by tonight (Tuesday evening ~ California time).

And check out a few of the dozen or so videos that have already been coming in! 

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