About the Bequest Challenge

Thanks to the support of one of our Foundation donors, when you make a bequest commitment to, we will receive a match that is equal to 10% of your future gift’s value. 

Through the Bequest Challenge, you can create a meaningful legacy at and also provide immediate funds for 350’s sustainability and resilience. Your generosity can strengthen our efforts to build a powerful climate movement and sustain our organization. Together, we will engage the generations that will lead us tomorrow.

Today, we ask you to join our passionate, committed supporters in accepting the Bequest Challenge to enable us to keep driving forward. 

To participate complete and submit the below Bequest Intention Form.

 Bequest Intention Form

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What is the Bequest Challenge?

Through the Bequest Challenge, you can maximize the impact of your bequest, providing both immediate and long-term support to This is a unique opportunity, and participating is simple! 

Follow these easy steps:

  1. Name in your will or living trust, or as a beneficiary of your retirement or financial account.
  2. Tell us about it by completing and submitting the above Bequest Intention Form. To receive the Bequest Intention Form in the mail please email us [email protected].
  3. will receive a grant of 10% of the value of your future gift, up to a maximum match of $10,000. If you prefer to keep the amount of your future gift private, we will receive a $1,000 match.

Three Examples of How it Works:

  1. You document a $50,000 bequest intention for > receives $5,000 of Bequest Match Funds.
  2. You document a $250,000 bequest intention for > receives $10,000 of Bequest Match Funds.
  3. You want to participate in the Bequest Challenge but keep the amount of your future gift private > receives $1,000 of Bequest Match Funds.


Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at 646-801-0759 or [email protected] if you have any questions.
