and for tragic reasons–it was the site of one of the worst episodes of pollution ever, when a gas leak from a Union Carbide plant killed many thousands of people. But here’s a report on what happened there Oct. 24, and it’s much more hopeful:

Madam / Sir,
Brief report of the day event.
On October 24, 2009 the International Day of Climate Action will cover almost every country on earth, the most widespread day of environment action in the planet’s history. CEE Madhya Pradesh also observed the day with graduates of Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, MANIT, Bhopal through distributing climate change – Pick Right: CO2 kit among the students. The students also organized the rally using the CEE educational material for mass awareness among the general public. In the second half of the day CEE in collaboration with Junoon Adventure Academy organized an adventure camp. The students took part in various activities such as Burma Bridge Cross, Commando Net and Spider Web and Rope climbing. At the end the students were are briefed about the importance of the day and science of climate change.
With Regards,
Dilip Chakravarty,
Project Officer,
CEE Madhya Pradesh,
Bhopal, M.P. India.