We just sent this 2010 year end wrap-up to our whole English-speaking global network (translations are still being worked through). Didn't get it — but want to get emails fresh from 350.org in 2011? Sign up here.

Dear friends,

2010 was a bittersweet year–truly the worst of times and the best.

It was a year when we suffered with our friends around the planet, as floods wracked one country after another, fires swept Russia, and 19 nations set new temperature records; 2010 was the warmest year the earth has yet recorded.

But it was also the year when we saw the forces of hope gathering momentum. Despite the debacle in Copenhagen, millions came together in 2010 to build a powerful movement.

We’ve created a web page to highlight all that this movement accomplished this year–we think you’ll like it:


This year, our network came together to demand that your nation's leaders put solar panels on the planet's most symbolic real estate: their homes. More than a thousand campuses competed in the Great Power Race, reminding leaders that their brightest young citizens demand a new future. And on 10/10/10 you pulled off the most widespread day of fruitful labor in the planet's history–7400 work parties in 188 countries. The pictures blew us away as they streamed in.

And then, as a sweet coda at year's end, many of you produced 350 EARTH: the first art show so large you needed a satellite to take it all in. It was a week of beauty but also of power, as new collaborations sprung up from every continent.

All in all, it was 12 months that showcased your brains, your muscle, and your creativity in the most crucial fight humanity has ever undertaken.

We wish we could just say thanks and a job well done–but you know we need to work even harder in the new year to come. The fight is truly on.


Bill McKibben for the 350.org Team

P.S. Most of all we want your participation in this movement–but if you have any money to spare, we could sure use it. Click here to make a donation.

P.P.S. We've made it easy to share the top 2010 highlights with your friends on Facebook & Twitter — and hope you'll spread the word! 

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
