Yesterday, the Cochabamba Climate Summit wrapped up, as Evo Morales and other governments and civil society representatives (including 350's own Marcelo Quintanilla from Mexico!) presented the People's Accord of Cochabamba, as a strong pushback to the Copenhagen Accord, to a packed stadium of thousands of people.

Today, everyone's a bit tired from the past four days of movement building and networking at the People's Summit, but there's a packed room in Cochabamba of at least 50 young people from around the world who are getting to work. 

We've worked with our partners on-the-ground to put on this meeting of leaders from Latin American youth networks to see how the movement can get stronger, more connected, and ready to take on the next UN Climate Conference (COP16) in Mexico. This morning we've started off with introductions, and sharing youth movement building experiences from other regions of the world, like Africa and South Asia. We've heard their lessons learned and now are diving into mapping the existing movements in the region. 

Tomorrow will be action planning time, so stay tuned!


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