Moments ago I sent this email to our European supporters and I wanted to share it with everyone on this history day in the climate fight:

Today is no ordinary morning, because this morning thousands of people woke up before the sun and got ready to shut down Europe’s biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions, the Rhineland coal fields. They have travelled from 45 different countries and speak many different languages. But they all know how urgent the need for climate action is and today they are going to put their bodies on the line in the fight for climate justice. Many of them are taking this kind of action for the first time.

As I write this email they are on their way towards the mine. We don’t know what’s going to happen when they attempt to enter the mine, or even if they will make it there. But regardless of the outcome, the bravery and determination of regular people who are willing to take powerful action for the future of the planet is something to be celebrated. With well over 1000 people taking part this is already the biggest action of its kind in Germany.

I’m won’t be joining the action today, instead I will be working from the camp near the coal mine to bring you updates about the action. You will be able to follow all of the action today on our live-blog which I will be updating throughout the day. But while I’m doing this I also wanted to organise a surprise for all of the people who put their bodies on the line today. I have borrowed a solar powered projector and I want to use it to show everyone just how many people around the world are standing in solidarity. Can you help me out by sending a short message of support to the people who are taking a stand against one of the world’s biggest sources of carbon emissions? You can fill out the form or post your message on social media using the hashtag #endcoal.

Click here to follow the action and to send your message of support to the people who have taken a brave stand for a clean and renewable future.

Everyone who is taking part in the action today is a hero to me, but I am particularly in awe of the people who are stepping up for the first time today. I think we’ve all seen stories of activists who achieved amazing things in the news, but it’s easy to forget that they are just regular people who made a brave decision to take a stand. Sitting in the camp and watching people preparing to take that step for the first time has just reminded me how vital the extraordinary actions of ordinary people are to the future of the planet.

And that’s why I want to use the power of the 350 community to show them some love today. The walk down to the mine is difficult and dangerous and we are sure that there will be an intimidating presence of police and security at the mine. Out in the vast expanses of the open-cut coal mine I can imagine it is easy for these activists to feel very isolated and alone. But we know they are not, they are part of a global movement of people who are standing up for a clean energy future free of climate destroying fossil fuels.

Send a message of support and and solidarity to the brave people who are putting their bodies on the line to demand a renewable future that is fossil free.

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