
We can all learn from each other’s stories of bravery, and right now the fossil fuel divestment movement needs to get braver and bolder.

On February 20th, we’re bringing together a live web panel on building a bold student resistance, featuring movement leaders and activists who have been taking courageous, principled action for change.

WHAT: Building a Bold Student Resistance: Taking Meaningful Action on Fossil Fuel Divestment
WHEN: Thursday, February 20th, 7:30 CST

The panel will be held at Tulane University in New Orleans. (Big thanks to Divest Tulane for teaming up on this!) It will be streamed live online, and you can join the discussion via Twitter using the hashtag #BoldAction.

Since this sort of thing is so much more fun with friends, we’re also hoping that you all will host house (or dorm) parties to watch the panel together. All you need is an internet connection, a decently large screen, and some activists friends!

The campus divestment movement has come a long way. Because of all the power we’ve built, many administrations are starting to push back. Some have even started to say “no.” But that doesn’t mean this fight is over — it just means we need to escalate!

You can watch the live-streamed event here

I’m so excited to take #BoldAction with you all.


Yong Jung

The post Building a Bold Student Resistance appeared first on Fossil Free.

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