In 2010, it's time to get to work (as the Armenia Tree Project is doing in the above photo).  A big part of getting to work is making our movement for climate action many times bigger, more powerful, and simply impossible to ignore by our politicians.  This means getting together with other leaders in your community, strategizing, choosing projects and campaigns to work on, reaching out to absolutely every organization, school, etc. in your town or city, getting your mayor on board for climate action – it means going all out!  At 350, we believe in the power of creativity, hard work, and collaboration to make our voices heard without much time or resources, but we know that some funding can really help. 

I wanted to write this because recently I kept receiving different funding opportunities and awards announcements in my inbox and thought I'd better share!  So here's a quick list of resources and opportunities that might be useful for your local climate action group to apply to. These opportunities tend to skew towards the youth activists reading this, but hopefully there's something for everyone.  And please reply in the comments section with any other opportunities you know of to help local groups build capacity, find resources, and make their voices heard!


Action for Nature's International Eco-hero Awards

Global Greengrants

Brighter Planet's project fund

The Captain Planet Foundation's grants

Brower Youth Awards

The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes


Sparkplug Foundation

And check out this whole list of resources and fundraising tips from Ashoka's Youth Venture program – the Brower Youth Awards also have a list here.  It's time to think big, and get to work!  Let us know how it goes.

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
