You might have heard the news that Senator John Kerry is holding his first hearing as chair of the Foreign Relations committee tomorrow and it’s going to be on global warming.

He’s invited Al Gore as a star witness and with the recent announcements from the Obama administration, we’re looking forward to a spirited discussion of how the USA can regain it’s leadership on climate change.

We’ll also be looking to hear some talk about our favorite number.

Our all-star supporters in Massachusetts have been logging in call after call to Kerry’s office today asking him to discuss the latest science and pledge that any new international climate treaty meets the 350 test.

Now, normally we’re way more into action than talk, but we’ve been finding that even a mention of 350 ppm in the right setting inspires ambitious plans for action. Like when Al Gore laid down 350 ppm as the new bottom line for climate negotiations at the recent UN talks in Poland and hundreds of people jumped up into a standing ovation.

Or when Kerry himself laid out the most recent scientific assessment during Hillary Clinton’s confirmation hearings:

“. . . we are not just marginally above a catastrophic tipping point level. We are hugely significantly above it. Scientists have now revised the levels of supportable greenhouse gas emissions from 550 parts per million to 450 to now 350.”

We’re hoping that a discussion of 350 at tomorrow’s hearings will push the climate debate in D.C. forward and get us on the right track towards an amibitous climate deal in Copenhagen next December. We’ll keep you updated – and in the meantime, a big round of applause to all our supporters in Massachusetts (my home state)!

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