Inna Kim, an extra-curricular school teacher from Moscow, became familiar with international climate movement in 2010 during the Global Work Party. Ever since, she continuously initiates climate actions in her school encouraging students to take the leading roles in organizing. They send us this post which we devote to the thousands of tireless educators who spread the word and nurture new generation of leaders around the world. 

On the 21st  September 2013, the annual action “Me FIRST!” was held in Ochakovo-Matveyevsky district of Moscow. It was dedicated to the International Day without a car!

Students of the school № 97 and their parents, as well as the residents of our district, took an active part in this action. Although we were not lucky with the weather (all day long it was raining cats and dogs), but still they came, followed by parents, brothers and sisters. We did not do as much as we planned, there were 40-45 people. Some of them came on bicycles, and someone took rollers. But such rallies are necessary and important.

The organizers of the action (the activists of the organization “Earth-ECOHOME”) made a greeting, stressing the importance of this event and benefit shares. Inna Kim, the head of the organization, told about the movement, about the significance of the number “350” and how you can reduce the maximum amount of CO2. Guys acquainted the participants with the environmental features of the area  we live in, have shown a presentation of “350” and a clip of Michael Jackson. It was a great climate lesson!

We lined up in the rain the number «350» and arrow… but it didn’t turn out as nicely as we had planned! The most of us had taken a race on rollers and Bikes on the school territory. In the framework of the event we made the poster contest and the motto contest.

Despite the weather we succeeded! Nature itself has forced many people abandon the car!!! Next year we plan to hold this wonderful campaign and attract more residents to the issue of pollution and make their choice for alternative transport. We are for clean district! We are for a green Moscow! We are for green planet!

The impressions:

“We hold this project for already 4 years. Such events are not only interesting for me and our children, they should be interesting to EVERYONE! I am always ready to support such initiatives and aspirations. It is wonderful that our guys were involved in the issues of ecology”. (Kotovich K.A., Principal Deputy)

“I woke up – it was raining. But I’m here, and the guys in my class came too, although I didn’t invite them to support, to participate. I am glad to see that I am not alone, that there are people who do care that children who is not indifferent. They grow up and do what we could not do. I have a healthy lifestyle! I am for a healthy planet!” (Kiselev was appointed teacher of Russian language and literature)

“I came today with my two granddaughters who are studying in this school. But when I saw the presentation of the clip, I was horrified, I was appalled. I understood that it all globally and very scary. Now I’ll do everything to protect our planet from destruction for the sake of our grandchildren and other children, because they live here! I plant flowers, trees in the garden, but this is not enough. I am definitely going to do something!” (Karbysheva T.V., grandmother of  Kharchenko Wiki and Violetta, students of the 2nd form)

“We came to support the initiatives of the guys. We are for clean city, for clean world! We conduct a healthy way of life, ride our bicycles, roller skates and go to the country on Saturdays. We are not indifferent to our planet! And tomorrow we will go biking to Krylatskoe, there will also be some promoes” (Sviridyuk Masha, 11 years old and mother Tatiana)

“I participate in this action for the second tim because it is interesting for me, because we will live here on this planet. I want to be a journalist, and I will do everything to make everybody know the problems of our Earth. This year I have participated in the organization of the campaign, we drew a poster, I came up with several mottos.” “A car is for lazy people. I am for clean planet”, “Our motto is – WE ARE FOR GREENPEACE. We are for clean planet” and the other idea to make the badges on colored paper with these mottos and distribute to all participants and passers-by. Maybe reading them, they will become our allies.” (Pestryakova Irina,the activist of the “Earth-ECOHOME”)

“I had not participated in the action. This year I was inspired by my friend to help her in the organization. It is a pity that we could not arrange master-classes. But we still will do it the next week when the sun come out. Personally I am planning to make a master class in dancing” (Salakhian Raisa, 10th form)

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