We are excited to hear about different community driven solar campaigns!

Here are some examples and case studies that people have generously written up. If you have others, please contact us!

The Benefits of Community Solar, written by the Community Power Project (funded by the EU). Includes stories of community-owned power in Denmark, Ireland, Czech Republic, and Spain.
IRENA’s Community Energy Toollkit Starting on page 16, they have some case studies including:
  • 3NE Solar Farm: Reducing diesel reliance in Canada’s remote communities
  • AfrikaSTARK 1: A Malian-German partnership for community solar-powered irrigation
  • CORENA: Harnessing revolving funds to finance climate action
  • Enercoop: A journey to becoming France’s largest co-operative renewable energy supplier
  • Hotoku Energy and Shonan Power: An evolutionary community energy partnership in Japan
  • Som Energia: Transforming Spain’s energy system through decentralised renewables
  • Sosai Renewable Energies: Empowering women through renewables in Nigeria
  • Tulila Hydroelectric Plant: Supplying reliable hydropower in rural Tanzania
  • UrStrom eG: Leading Mainz’s energy transition through citizen action
  • Village Lighting Scheme: Rebuilding community self-sufficiency in Timor-Leste
  • Waterpower station Bëkyooköndë & Duwata: Enabling energy access in Suriname ..
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350 Canada tells the story of Summerside (on instagram)
AdventuRE the Movie An Indonesian student explores renewable energy in Indonesia. Through this trip, she meets several community groups who have utilized energy from Water, Wind and Solar to fulfill their electrical energy needs. by 350 Indonesia
The Renewable Charge This documentary short highlights the resilience and triumphs of communities pushing for the transition towards a sustainable and equitable energy future in Ghana. by GROC and 350.org
Apartment tenants in Szczytno produce their own electricity This article shares the story about how tenants managed to produce their own energy in Poland
Solar power: a one-stop solution in Bangladesh This article shares the story about women using solar energy in Bangladesh as part of a private-public partnership to reduce use of dangerous fossil fuels and unsafe kerosene and for irrigation projects
Solar panels on Utoro Peace Memorial Museum This article (in Japanese) tells of the plan to put a solar installation on the rooftop of the Museum, led by “Kyoto Green Fund”. They eventually put on a 9.31kw solar panel system. It is a symbolic story of intersectionality and solidarity of anti-colonialism and climate & racial justice & human rights. Kyoto Green Fund consists of women mostly, and it might be encouraging story to others. (Korean People were forced to move from Korea to Utoro, Kyoto, Japan and construct a Military Airport around 1940, by the Japanese govt. They survived in extremely poor conditions, heavy rain and floods etc, and discrimination. Utoro Peace Memorial Museum educates on the history and symbolic space in the local community. )
Power to the people: the neighbours turning their London street into a solar power station This article from the Guardian tells the story of a project building a solar POWER STATION across the rooftops (streets, schools, community buildings) of North East London via enacting a grassroots Green New Deal – working with art and infrastructure to tackle the interlinked climate/energy/cost of living crises.
Samsø: An Island Community Pointing to the Future – Denmark Learn about Denmark’s municipality of the island of Samsø has completely transformed its energy system from fossil fuels to renewable energy, becoming the world’s first renewable energy island. Key results that have been achieved include: becoming carbon negative; 100% local ownership of renewable energy investments; and significant socio-economic benefits from the energy transition.
Solar Scholars / TekPak This project has moved through 350 (Philipines, Pacific) to teach regular folks about solar panels, to empower them to control electricity futures, and to learn about TekPak.