December 18, 2019 La lucha por la justicia climática y migratoria es la lucha por los derechos humanos Diciembre es el Mes Nacional de los Derechos Humanos y hoy se celebra específicamente el Día Internacional del Migrante. Este...
December 18, 2019 The fight for climate and migrant justice is the fight for human rights December is National Human Rights Month, and today marks International Migrants Day.
December 16, 2019 11 ways Chileans rocked COP25 While national delegates failed once more to step up to the existential challenge of the climate crisis, the people of Chile continued to champion social...
December 12, 2019 Indigenous Climate Letter delivered at COP25 Indigenous peoples of the Americas, Caribbean and Antilles are demanding respect and an end to the persecution of traditional leaders who defend Indigenous territories