October 25, 2013 80 Empire State Buildings’ worth of toxic byproduct? Just say no. Building Keystone XL would result in massive amounts of petroleum coke (petcoke), a toxic byproduct of refining heavy oil. In...
October 18, 2013 From a front-line community to the front line of a movement: Raphael João Raphael Gomes is the volunteer coordinator for the 350 team in Salvador, Brazil. He saw intense droughts and its...
October 18, 2013 Bushfires Raging in Spring. Something is up. Bushfires are raging across the state of New South Wales in Australia. It's only Spring. Something is up. Yesterday, the Greens Member of Parliament, Adam Bandt,...
October 16, 2013 Cyclone Phailin and Climate Change, Connecting the Dots Crossposted with some edits from Huffington post Over the past two days, I was glued to my television screen as one reporter after another stood...