We're still celebrating all of the amazing art and activism that's happened over the last week. What an incredible display of human creativity and compassion. In the face of incredible odds, we've come together across language, race, class and nationality and used art to send a message to the negotiators gathering at the UN Climate Talks in Cancun this week: climate change is happening and the world is ready for solutions. 

This photo from the event in Cape Town, South Africa sums up what our team here at 350.org are feeling right now: 

That's a parabolic solar cooker in the background, one of dozens that was donated to the Khayelitsha community after today's 350 EARTH event in South Africa. It's a small solution in the global scheme of things, just one little step towards lowering the amount of carbon polluting our atmosphere. But in the life of a family in Khayelitsha, it's a major leap forward: one solar cooker can power a family's cooking needs for 10 years, freeing them from the cost of expensive fuel, helping them stay healthy, and cutting down on pollution in the process. 

From these dancers in Khayelitsha to the DigitalGlobe satellites spinning nearly 400 miles above the planet's surface, we've shown that even in the face of immense challenges like the climate crisis, humanity can find the heart, spirit, and creativity to rise the occasion.

We'll be presenting photos from this week to delegates at the UN Climate Meetings in Cancun and we hope they are inspired. But one thing's for sure: whether or not our leaders see it yet, there's a movement for solutions brewing around the world. It's big, it's growing, and it's completely beautiful. 

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