Tell China not to be EACOP’s lifeline!

TotalEnergies is set on building its disastrous East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP). The good news is they’re struggling to secure the money to build it. 

But China could offer a lifeline to the project – Chinese President Xi Jinping recently endorsed EACOP in a letter to Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. China’s many state-owned banks and insurance firms could make this destructive pipeline a reality.

Join our Social Media Storm now to pressure China into withdrawing its support for EACOP.

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1. Send a tweet

Send one of these three tweets directly to the Chinese Embassies in Tanzania and Uganda, China’s Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Hua Chunying, and China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Office:

Tweet 1:

Xi Jinping – don’t be the lifeline for EACOP! This destructive pipeline will be a carbon bomb and threaten lives, livelihoods, and the environment. #StopEACOP

@ChineseEmbTZ @ChineseEmb_Uga @SpokespersonCHN @MFA_China

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Tweet 2:

Our future is at stake – EACOP will be disastrous for the climate and destructive for East African communities. Xi Jinping, #StopEACOP and invest in community-led renewables!

@ChineseEmbTZ @ChineseEmb_Uga @SpokespersonCHN @MFA_China

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Tweet 3:

Over 50 banks and insurance firms have already pulled out of the dodgy EACOP project, it’s time for China’s state-owned financiers and insurers to rule out support for it too! #StopEACOP

@ChineseEmbTZ @ChineseEmb_Uga @SpokespersonCHN @MFA_China

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2. Use a different platform

You can craft your own response on your preferred social media platform here. If this seems too much, take one of the easier options above!

Pick your preferred social media channel below – we’ve linked to the right accounts to target.

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Pick a recent post, any will do! Or, make a new post and tag the account.

Use some of the talking points listed below to craft your own post.

If you only ask ONE thing ask this: 

Will China cease its support of the destructive EACOP project and invest in community-led renewables?

Talking points for posts

  • 40 million people who depend on Lake Victoria could be directly impacted if the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) is built.
  • The EACOP project has faced fierce opposition from impacted communities and activists because of the numerous human rights violations, loss of livelihood and destruction of the environment.
  • 27 banks and 29 insurance firms have already publicly distanced themselves from the EACOP project, for environmental, social, and human rights reasons.
  • Please engage with communities and prioritise distributed renewable energy solutions.

Feel free to add any personal reason why this is important to you, too!
