sites/all/files/lamprianidis.jpgThe CoolClimate Art Contest called on artists worldwide to submit their work for the first online art competition designed to generate iconic images that address the impact of climate change. More than 1,000 artists from around the globe made submissions through

As Agnes Gund, art expert and one of the judges for the Contest said, “There is probably no issue more important facing us today then how we are affecting our environment. The CoolClimate Art Contest is a smart and engaging way to compel artists to influence and communicate the critical issue of climate change. Art has the power to persuade on a deeply emotional level, sometimes more effectively than grafts or numbers or datasheets.” The top 5 Climate Artists of 2010 were determined by popular vote.

The winners were honored October 7th at the Center for American Progress in Washington, DC, featured on the Planet Green Planet100 show and distributed at key global warming events for's international day of climate action on 10/10/10.

The winning images include reference to a range of issues related to climate change problems and solutions. Van Jones, environmental activist and judge for the Contest stated, "These powerful images speak to the air, water, and earth that sustains us, and reveal the perils arising from our addiction to coal and oil. Human ingenuity created these problems; human creativity – on full display here – can get us out. I encourage all environmental activists to use these images in their ongoing climate change communications."

Now that the winners have been announced the 20 Finalists have volunteered their work to be used to raise awareness about the issue of climate change. This document shows 10 ways you can use climate change art. Please remember that you should always credit the original artist when using these works.

Artists are encouraged to continue to submit their creations to the CoolClimate project to connect with one another and share their work with the public. There will be a new folder in the Gallery for all climate change related art, giving you an opportunity to showcase your environmental art!

Congratulations once again to the winners and thank you to everyone who participated!

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