August 7th begins the week-long hearings in Nebraska that could decide the fate of the Keystone XL pipeline. After Trump rubber stamped this project just days after he took office, a five person commission will now decide if TransCanada can get a permit through the state.

This is a crucial moment, which is why hundreds of people, including ranchers and Indigenous leaders, marched at the Nebraska State Capitol on the eve of the hearings. The Nebraska Public Service Commission (PSC) will use this hearing and public comments to decide whether or not to approve the final permit.

Stand in solidarity with the pipeline fighters on the ground by submitting a comment to the Nebraska PSC before the comment period closes this week.


Our team is here in Lincoln, Nebraska this week as official intervenors in the hearings – and to deliver your comments in person to the PSC’s headquarters.

People from across North America joined the march on August 6, including Indigenous leaders from South Dakota who will never let this pipeline go through their land.

We can’t afford any new polluting fossil fuel projects like Keystone XL, which is why last month we launched Solar XL – a campaign to build the renewable energy future we need directly in the path of the proposed pipeline. The first of three solar installations in the route is up and running, with the next two sites going up on August 19.

We have a real chance to stop Keystone XL once and for all. Click here to submit your comment to the Commission urging them to reject the pipeline.

TransCanada is having trouble securing oil contracts for the project, so we can’t let up – instead now is the time to turn up the heat. Every new comment submitted builds the case against the pipeline and proves that this project is not in the public interest.

People power stopped Keystone XL before – and we can do it again.

To stay up-to-date on what’s happening on the ground this week, follow along on 350’s Instagram and watch the live stream from the march on Facebook.

Check out more photos from the march here:
March to Give #KeystoneXL the Boot

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