UPDATE: Citing the heightened security situation in Paris, the French government is prohibiting the mass mobilisation planned in Paris for 12 December. While this tragedy makes it difficult to go forward with our original plans, we will still find a way for people in Paris to make the call for climate justice heard.

We’re considering our alternatives for mobilisations and actions in Paris, especially on 12 December. Sign-up below if you want to be updated.

Love will win out over fear, and our movement will win over injustice.

Paris — 12 December, 2015:

Mass Mobilisation

Join us in Paris for a mass mobilisation. If governments won’t stand up for us, we will stand for ourselves. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

I will be there:


d12 plans update – TUESDAY 1 DEC, 1pm CET in English (6pm in French)

Citing the heightened security situation in Paris, the French government is prohibiting the mass mobilisation planned in Paris for 12 December. While this tragedy makes it difficult to go forward with our original plans, we are finding new, creative ways for people in Paris to make the call for climate justice heard.   Join this webcast to find out the latest plans and submit your questions using the hashtag #d12webcast



Redlines Artcast – 11 November, 7pm-8pm CET

Organisers from 350.org and Tools for Action share all the latest information on the #redlines mass civil disobedience action planned in Paris on December 12.  The webcast focusses on how to get involved creatively with redlines, both in advance, during and after December 12, wherever you are in the world.

If you missed the live broadcast you can watch a recording below and contact @350europe on Twitter using #redlines hashtag for any follow-up questions.
