You may be finished your project by 5 p.m. Greenwich/Universal time tomorrow. If so, there's a special theatrical performance from the state of New York in the United States that you'll be able to watch over the web. The details:

The show includes a program of actors reading some of the most eloquent and hopeful pieces by some of our best writers and activists on climate change, a youth presentation of the poem “The Lorax Saves the Ocean” by local teen playwright-director Elijah Shaheen and the cast of his play recently produced at the Blueberry Pond, a magician, live music, songs and a number of specially created scenes, monologues and personal statements.

Paul Stark, a one-time student of playwrighting and the founder of LMHV Network, had this to say, “In my own reading on climate change I was finding heartfelt and moving writing on the scientific realities, as well as on the emotional responses others have had in their own self-education.  We wanted to create a piece that would take people from the facts of the matter, through the responses possible for ordinary people, to a place of hope for the creation of a saner and more strongly resilient community life.”

You'll be able to see it here

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