For today’s Earth Month Spotlight, I’m very excited to share a campaign update about the work I do with the 350 Latin America team.

First of all, my name is Renata Padilha and I’m Brazilian. I have dedicated myself to the environmental cause, a passion that started at school in a neighborhood on the periphery of Porto Alegre called Restinga Nova.

Through various ecological walks, projects for the recovery of open-air dumps, and encouraging environmental projects, I discovered my goal in life: to fight for a world where there is balance between humans and nature.

Over the years I’ve also realized that the environmental struggle goes beyond the garbage we throw on the street, the long shower, and the faucet we turn on when brushing our teeth. My struggles made me vegan and minimalist, which prompted me to join the Zero-Waste movement to tread on the environment as lightly as possible.

The same struggle led me to get to know the Fridays For Future movement, where I found support to take one more step and founded the Eco Pelo Clima movement.

Through our strikes, we have been able to talk to the population about climate change and how we, as a society, can and must be part of the change that the world needs. 

We have carried out actions at the local level to bring visibility and demand actions from our governments. We raised the alarm against the proposal to create a coal plant close to a protected area in ​​Porto Alegre called Mina Guaiba.

Protest in front of Copelmi, the company responsible for what would be the largest open-pit coal mine in Latin America.
Quote on the poster: Let’s talk about climate change?

For an environmentalist, the struggle for life is daily. It means always being aware of what is happening locally and internationally, it means stepping out of our comfort zone to fight injustices and inequalities, even if it means attending several Public Hearings raising our voices against the creation of a coal plant that endangers many lives and the balance of nature. Being an environmentalist is the purest form of love; after all, we donate our life, our time, and our passion, to something so beautiful — taking care of the only home we have.

We still have many battles to fight in search of climate justice — the path there will certainly not be easy. However, we are not alone. Today, we have everything we need to turn the tide: the technology, and the right people for it. Change has arrived; it’s up to us to join in the fight for life!

Thank you for taking a moment to read my update, and please keep your eyes out for even more updates coming from my fellow campaigners here at

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