Thank you Commissioner Yeb for allowing me to share this to the world!

yeb In every struggle, we search for answers. At every crossroads, we reflect on where the paths may lead us. For every injustice suffered in this world, we try to find meaning. As we search for answers,reflect on where each path would lead us, and make sense of the injustice in our world, it is all part of a spiritual journey – one that leads to simply making this world a better place for all of us. In Warsaw during the UN Climate Change Conference, we confronted the disquieting reality that the climate crisis continued to unfold before our eyes with a vast multitude of people around the planet staring at this menace and suffering from what has become one of the greatest injustices of human history. In the aftermath of the strongest typhoon that had ever made landfall, we realized the immense trail of devastation that the storm had left behind. In solidarity with the Filipino people and with many communities around the world dealing with the impacts of climate change, we embarked on a fast for the climate. We continue this fast every first of each month, in the same spirit of solidarity.

Credit: Tifany Chua

Credit: Tifany Chua

A planetary awakening has begun and as we fast, we realize the connection amongst us, and we recreate the bonds of interconnectedness that had been congealed by centuries of alienation from the very source of life and the higher forces that guide us to a higher consciousness. As we fast, we strengthen our connection and kinship, and we lend credence to the belief that fasting involves a discipline that helps us evolve as beings. It is in this way we become instruments of justice. The power behind fasting lies in its purity of purpose and the sense of selfless impetus necessary to embark on fasting. It is devoid of hate, anger, or pride. This is the power of the fast – because it is meant for our aspirations of a better world. Fasting nourishes our soul and takes care of that moral hunger in our hearts. Fasting for the climate is one such fast that we embark onto confront the planetary crisis, to correct the injustices and inequities of history. With God as our guide, we muster the courage to pursue this spiritual awakening for the sake of humanity. Let our fast be instrumental in this global awakening. Let it live in the hearts of people and transform the world. Let our fast be the spark that ignites the fire and fervor of the peoples of the world to claim the moral victory to attain climate justice. As the fast is a means to purify our souls and our hearts, let it likewise purify the world.

Credit: Young Friends of the Earth-Europe

Credit: Young Friends of the Earth-Europe

We are exceptionally inspired that millions of people around the world have embraced this call for climate action and climate justice.This global awakening is profoundly uplifting and amazing. The fast is part of a spiritual journey, a peaceful struggle that the world must go through to end this madness. It is very humbling and deeply touching to see that the world is now starting to realize that the planetary crisis reflects a deep moral crisis in each one of us and that to confront the global problem means to confront ourselves. Our unity of spirit will be the guiding force for a better world. This is a wonderful and amazing journey. I am honored to be walking with many of you. – Yeb Saño, January 2014

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