350 travaille avec des centaines de partenaires et alliés dans le monde. Si vous voulez devenir un partenaire, contactez notre équipe. Voici une liste complète de nos partenaires et alliés, triés par région :
- Action Aid
- Amnesty International
- Avaaz
- Bicycle Film Festival
- Buddhist Climate Project
- Carrotmob
- Christian Aid
- Circle Up Now
- Citizens Global Platform
- Climate Action Network
- Climate Justice Fast
- Climate Summit
- Cool It Schools
- COP Moving
- Craftster.org
- Cultural Survival
- Ekta Parishad
- Environmental Action Association
- FrontlineSMS
- Global Exchange
- Greenpeace
- I Am One In A Billion
- iMatter
- International Rivers
- International Society of Doctors for the Environment
- Jubilee South
- Oceana
- Oxfam
- Plant For The Planet
- Primamundi.com
- Taking It Global
- TckTckTck
- Techfest 2009
- The Green Passport Program
- The Natural Step
- The North Face
- Third World Network
- Tread Lightly
- Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth
- Unite Now
- United Nations Foundation
- Water and Youth
- Wiser Earth
- Women’s Environment & Development Organization
- World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
- World Carfree Network
- World Council of Churches
- World Savvy
- World Team Now
- World Wide Moment
- World Wildlife Fund—Climate Witness
Asie de l’Est
- 350 Barcelona
- Acción Verde Zaragoza
- Albea
- AlSol
- Arctic Queen
- Armenia Tree Project
- Association Bio-logique Attitude
- BICREF Malta
- BlueLink
- Cape Farewell
- Carpooling.com
- Christian Aid
- Civil Society Development Centre (CSDC)
- Climate and Health Council
- Climate Movement of Denmark
- Climate Stewards
- CO2 E-Race
- Copade
- Ecolúdic
- Ecología y Desarrollo
- Ecowiki
- Education Center for Youth
- Ekologia.pl
- Energie Verte Online
- Energy-Education-Governance-Schools
- Enough is Enough
- Fondation Nicholas Hulot
- Fundacja Nasza Ziemia
- Georgian Girls Running Club
- Global Warming Images
- Globalízate
- Green Graffiti
- Greensharing
- Holyrood 350
- Instituto Jane Goodall
- Italian Climate Network
- Jatrophabook
- Klima Allianz
- Klimataktion
- Kyoto2
- La Revue Durable
- Le Climat Entre Nos Mains
- Legambiente
- Madera Justa
- Messzel´tó
- NaturFreunde Deutschlands
- New Generation
- NGO « Helping Hand »
- One Hundred Months
- Otesha Project
- Positive News
- Scottish Action on Climate Change
- Sing for the Earth
- Socialist YouthFront Denmark (SUF)
- Tällberg Forum
- The Compensators*
- The Solution is Simple
- Verde por el Clima
- Wake-Up Call
- Welsh Youth Forum for Sustainable Development
- Young Friends of the Earth Europe
Amérique latine / Caraïbes
- 350 Dominicana
- 350 Peru
- AAA Bikers
- AGAPAN Associação Gaucha de Proteção ao Ambiente Natural
- Amatea
- Amazon Watch
- Ambato Joven
- Ambiente
- Amigos da Terra Brasil
- Amigos del Viento
- Aquecimento Global – I Care- Eu me Importo!
- Asociación Ecológica Vidas Verdes
- Asociación Panamá Más Verde
- ASPAN – Associação Pernambucana de Defesa da Natureza
- ASPOAN – Associação Potiguar Amigos da Natureza
- Associación de Scouts de México, A.C.
- BioTU
- Bici Critica El Salvador
- Brigada Ambientalista Cimarron Lemba
- Campaña Mesoamericana de Justicia Climática
- CanalClima.com
- Capitulo Honduras de la Sociedad Mesoamericana para la Biología y la Conservación
- Caribbean Youth Environment Network
- Censat Agua Viva – Colombia
- Centro Cultural Kuraf Werken
- Cerro Verde
- Ciclopolis
- CIMA ONG Ambiental
- Círculo Verde
- CO2 Acción
- Coletivo Jovem Pelo Meio Ambiente Olho D’água
- Costa Rica Neutral
- COTESA Costa Rica
- EcoGreens
- Envolverde
- Fundación Biosfera
- Fundación Gaiapacha
- Fundación Pachamama
- GEO Juvenil Ecuador
- GEO Júvenil México
- Greenpeace Brasil
- Grupo Ambientalista Sierra de Guadalupe A.C.
- Grupo Ecologico Jaureguiberry
- Haiti Survie
- Instituto Socioambiental ÓIKOS
- IPES Perú
- Jovenes Ambientalistas
- Juventud en Misión Unidos por el Agua
- La Vida en Bici
- Love In — Cuba
- Matilha Cultural
- Mesoamerica Climate Justice Network
- Movimiento Agua y Juventud México
- Movimiento Agua y Juventud Panama
- Movimiento Ciudadano frente al Cambio Climático
- Orgánicamente
- Organización Xtrem@s
- Organizacion Xtremas
- Presencia Ciudadana Mexicana
- Rainforest2Reef
- Reacción Climática
- Reciclemos Por Panamá
- Rosalie Forest Eco Lodge
- SeeClickFix
- Scouts de Bolivia
- Sierra Gorda
- Televisa Verde
- Via Organica
- Vitae Civilis
- Vitalis
- WWF Brasil
- WWF Paraguay
Amérique du Nord
- 1000 Faces Coffee
- 3C Climate Change Coalition
- 77Zero
- A Rocha
- A Well Fed World
- Act OtherWISE
- Action Aid
- Adirondacks
- Agham Youth
- Alaska Wildlife League
- Alliance for Climate Education
- Alliance for Climate Protection
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority—National
- Americans for Energy Leadership
- Americans for Informed Democracy
- Americorps Service Week
- Appalachian Staple Foods Collaborative
- Appalachian Sustainable Development
- Arborists
- ARC sustainability
- Architecture 2030
- Architecture for Humanity
- Artist as Citizen
- Association of Science-Tech Centers
- As You Sow
- Augsburg College
- Backyard Gardens Community
- Bard College Center for Environmental Policy
- Bates College
- BC Sustainable Energy Association
- Better Future Project
- Beyond Talk
- Bianca Jagger
- Big Sunday
- Bioneers
- Blissmo
- Bloomfield College
- Blue Water Wind
- Boston Latin High School
- Boys and Girls Clubs
- Breakthrough Institute
- Brighter Planet
- British Council
- Brolly Arts
- build ON
- CA Green Business Report
- CA League of Conservation Voters
- CA—no on 23
- California Center for Sustainable Energy
- California Student Sustainability Coaltion
- Campus Progress
- CAN–Canada
- Canadian Youth Climate Coalition
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
- Canadian Youth Delegation
- Carbon Coach
- Carbon Nation
- Carbonfund.org
- Carbonrally.com
- CARE US—San Francisco
- Catagori
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Center for Health and the Global Environment
- Center for Resource Solutions
- Chabot Science Center
- Changents
- Chewonki Foundation
- Citizen Engagement Lab
- Citizens Climate Lobby
- Clean Economy Development Network
- Clean Energy Works
- Clean Water Action
- Clean Wisconsin
- Clemson University Students for Environmental Action
- Clif Bar
- Climate Ark
- Climate Counts
- Climate Day
- Climate Group
- Climate Ride
- Climate Solutions
- Climbing for Water
- Clinton Global Initiative
- coalSwarm
- Cohos-Evamy
- College Democrats of America
- Columbia University Earth Institute
- Commonwealth challenge
- Community Environmental Council
- Council of Canadians
- Cousteau
- Cowichan Action on Climate Change
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Democracia USA
- Do Something.org
- Dutch Policy Maker
- Earth Action
- Earth Day Network
- Earth Hour
- Earth Rangers
- Earth Summit Canada
- EarthTeam
- Earthwatch
- Eco Equity
- Elders Climate Action
- End of Oil
- Energy Action Coalition
- Engineers for a Sustainable World
- Environment America
- Enviro Change Makers
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Environmental Expert
- Environmental Law and Policy Center
- Episcopal Church Environmental and Economic Affairs
- Faith in Action
- Focus the Nation
- Food Democracy Now
- Michael Pollan — Food writer/350 Messenger
- Friends of the Earth USA
- FUSE (Faiths United for Sustainable Energy)
- Garden Clubs of America
- German Marshall Fund
- Global Agents for Change
- Global Animal Partnership
- Global Recycling Network
- Global Warming Action Coalition
- Global Warming Education Network
- Go Green (book)
- Go Green Foundation
- GoLoco
- Good Magazine
- Goshen College
- Grand Aspirations
- Great Old Broads for Wilderness
- Green America
- Green Corps
- Green Empowerment
- Green for All
- Green Groove
- Green Jobs Now
- Green Laces
- Green my Parents
- Green Streets Initiative
- Green Towns
- Greening Forward
- Greenpeace Frontline
- Greenpeace USA
- Grist
- Gulf Restoration Network
- Habitat for Humanity
- Harvard Museum of Natural History
- Hawai’i Interfaith Power and Light
- Healthbridge Canada
- High Road for Human Rights
- Hip Hop Caucus
- Humane Society International
- Indigenous Environmental Network
- Inland Sea Society
- Interfaith Moral Action on Climate
- Inst. for Respon. Technology (GMOs)
- Institute for Policy Studies
- Institute for Sustainability Education & Action
- Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change
- Interfaith Power and Light
- International Forum on Globalization
- International Rivers
- Islamic Society of North America
- Islands First
- It’s One Humanity
- Just Food
- Kids Love Mother Earth
- Kids vs. Global Warming
- Labor Network For Sustainablity
- Lead Now
- https://leadnow.ca/en/index
- LinkTV
- Live Earth
- Local Harvest
- Maine Audobon Society
- Makani Power
- Many Strong Voices
- Marion Institute
- Mass Powershift
- Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ
- Michigan Land Use Institute
- Middlebury College
- Millennium Art
- Mobilization for Climate Justice
- Moms Rising
- Monroe Community College
- Mountain Studies Institute
- MoveOn
- Muslim Green Team
- National Public Lands Day
- National Teach-In
- National Wildlife Federation NWF
- Nebraska LCV
- Neighborhood Natural Energy (N2E)
- Network of Spiritual Progressives
- New Global CItizens
- New Progressive Alliance
- New View Cohousing
- NewSeed advisors
- No Impact Project
- North Eastern Environment Youth Movement
- North Pole ’09
- Northland College, Wisconsin
- NY Interfaith power and light
- Ocean River Institute
- Oceana
- Orange County Interfaith Council for the Environment
- Otesha Project
- Oxfam Action Corps, San Francisco
- Oxfam America
- Paddle for the Planet, Minnesota
- Parent earth
- Partners for Livable Communities
- Pax Christi USA
- Peaceful Uprising
- PeaceJam
- People for Bikes
- Peoples Grocery
- Physicians for Social Responsibility PSR
- Physicians for Social Responsibility–Bay Area Chapter
- Planet Explore
- Planet Magazine
- Portfolio 21
- Portland Institute of Art
- Post Carbon Institute
- PowerUP Canada
- Presbyterian Church in SoCal
- Progressive Forum-Houston
- Project Possible
- Prospect Sierra School
- Public Citizen
- Rainforest Action Network
- Real Green Goods
- Religious Witness for the Earth
- Responsible Endowments Coalition
- Restoring Eden
- Ride for Renewables: 100% by 2020
- RideBuzz
- Rising Tide North America
- Route 2010: A Bike Odyssey
- San Jacinto College
- Secure Green Future
- SF Department of Environment
- Sierra Club
- Sierra Student Coalition
- Sierra Youth Coalition
- Sisters of Saint Joseph
- Slow Food
- Solar Day
- Solutions Journal
- South East Forest Rescue
- Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance
- Southern Alliance for Clean Energy
- Story of Stuff
- Student Conservation Association SCA
- Stuyvesant High School
- SuAsCo Watershed Community Council
- Sukyo Mahikari
- Surfrider SF
- Sustainable Jacksonville
- Sustainable Living Roadshow
- Sustainable Western North Carolina
- SustainUS
- Susty
- SWBR Architects
- Take Back your Time Day
- Taking Root Productions
- Texas Climate Emergency Campaign
- The Age of Stupid
- The Alliance for Biking and Walking
- The Alliance For Climate Education
- The Center for a New American Dream
- The Conference Board
- The League of American Bicyclists
- The Regeneration Project
- The Street Plans Collaborative
- The Urgency of Now
- The WILD Foundation
- Transfair
- Transition US
- True Majority
- U Penn
- UC Berkeley Renewable Energy
- UN Association
- Union of Concerned Citizens
- Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
- Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth
- Univ of South Floria
- University of Colorado–Boulder
- University of Hawaii at Manoa
- University of Minnesota
- University of Oregon
- University of Wisconsin
- Urban Coast Institute
- US Climate Action Network
- US Green Building Council
- UUA Green Sanctuary
- Vegetarians of Alberta
- Virginia Cool Cites
- Waterkeeper
- We Comply
- WEDO–US branch
- WEND Magazine
- West Coast Climate Equity
- What’s My CO2 Widget
- Wheaton College
- Wilderness Classroom
- Will Steger Foundation
- World Team Now
- World View of Global Warming
- World Vision
- WV Environmental Council
- Yes Men/Beyond Talk
- Yes! Magazine
- CAN Pacific
- « CELCOR (The Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights) »
- Coal Action Network Aotearoa
- Cycle Action Network
- Eden Foundation
- Frocks on Bikes
- GetUp!
- Oxfam NZ
- Pacific Conference of Churches
- Pacific Youth Council
- Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
- South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
- Sustainability Trust
Asie du sud
- Astha
- Bangladesh Youth Movement for Climate
- Center for Social Markets
- Citizens Global Platform
- Eco Friends Nepal
- Focus Odisha Forum on Climate Change.
- Green Commandos
- GreenCitizens.net
- Greenpeace India
- HumanityWatch
- Indian Youth Climate Network
- INTACH Hazaribagh Chapter
- Integrated Effort for Development
- Island Trust
- Karanpura Campaign
- Key faith groups in India (Arya Samaj and the Brahma Kumaris)
- Key universities and schools in India
- Kids for Tigers
- Konkan Bachao Samiti, Janahit Seva Samiti, Madban
- Mata Amritapuri in India (Ayudh-youth wing)
- National alliance for peoples movements (NAPM, India)
- Nature Human centric people’s movement
- Navadanya
- Nepal Development Foundation
- Nepalese Youth for Climate Action
- Sanctuary Asia
- The Climate Project India
Les liens sur cette page vous redirigent du site 350.org vers les sites de nos partenaires et alliés.