350Africa’s G-ROC
team has been at the forefront of an anti-coal campaign,  confronting the Ghanaian government, Energy Protection Agency, Volta River Authority and Shenzhen Energy Group, polluters, who have proposed for the construction of a destructive 2x350MW coal-fired power plant in Ekumfi District Central region of Ghana.

Recently, Ghana’s Minister of Environment, Mahama Ayariga, has made bold statements rejecting the proposed $1.5 billion coal project. This announcement complements Ghana’s parliament, which joined countries in ratifying the  Paris Agreement in the pursuit of sustainable development and attaining clean energy goals in line with Ghana’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (GH-INDC).

The Paris agreement will enter into force on November 4th, just 3 days before the start of the next UN meeting on climate change in Marrakech, Morocco, the “COP 22”.

This kind of leadership is exactly what the African continent and global south countries need. There is no future in fossil fuel investments. The world urgently needs a just transition to 100% renewable energy with universal access across the globe.  The African continent is well positioned to take the lead, refuse energy models that aggravate climate chaos and compromises our renewable development path.

G-ROC has engaged with impacted communities dispelling the clean coal myth, educating community members on negative health and environmental impacts that will be derived from the project.  

The severe health and environmental consequences caused by fossil fuels are irreversible.   African governments should refrain from the coal fallacy once and for all and instead redirect its focus on renewable energy sources.



Our demand to world leaders meeting in Marrakech is this: stop new fossil fuel projects from being built. Redirect finance for a just transition to 100% renewable energy that can empower people across the globe.

If you agree that must be our priority, join us by signing the global petition to everyone meeting in Morocco here. Freeze New Fossil Fuel Development

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