As I take a brief moment to write this post, my grandparents, parents, aunt and uncle, cousins, and brother are all in the next room — gathered together all at once for the first time in many months.  We’re sharing this day together for Thanksgiving, my favorite of US holidays.  It’s the day for us to “give thanks” and celebrate all that we love — our families, our friends, our communities, the food we enjoy, and whatever else we are thankful for.

I am going to keep this short so I can get back to this joyous family gathering, but I thought it important to also share a bit of Thanksgiving here on the blog.  Today I am also giving thanks for our movement — the movement of people all around the planet working for a safe and just climate.  It’s truly astonishing to think through all the people and organizations and communities working to protect and improve our planet.  We certainly have daunting challenges ahead of us, but it’s hard not to feel grateful for the creative, innovative, and exciting work that so many are pouring into ensuring greater hope for our collective future.

Many, many thanks to all of you.  After a celebration meal tonight, it’s back to work tomorrow.

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