The following is a guest post from Marriott Sheldon, co-founder of the global WE campaign, which launches this Monday in New York. WE aims to support 10/10 and spread the word about the Work Party within the Peace and Justice movement. is excited to announce the June 21st Global Launch of WE – a new campaign organized by We, The World that promotes the shift from "I" to "WE" in our individual attitudes and actions, and in our societal priorities and policies. The WE Campaign is working in collaboration with and other partners calling for people and organizations to engage and mobilize locally in communities, schools and regions, to generate the awareness and action needed to influence political will and effect change on a global scale.

If you are in or near New York City, come to the WE Launch event June 21st which features inspiring activists and visionary speakers as well as Middle-Eastern drumming sensation Raquy and the Cavemen.

Let us know about your actions, events, programs or commitments that show how you are caring for your community, your environment and the world. Email [email protected] with your plans and we will promote them to a global audience – at, on our Calendar and/or in our communications to leaders and members of more than 12,000 organizations and media outlets around the world!

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