10/10/10 in Obninsk, Russia

“There's no more garbage!”, will probably be able to say any citizen of the Earth in 300 years from now. Or maybe not in 300. Or maybe not the Earth. Meanwhile, “No.More.Garbage” is a name of one of the environmental groups in Russia. This organisation has an active branch in Obninsk, a city about 100 kilometers in south-western direction from Moscow. Earlier this month its volunteers collected garbage around one of the city's ponds. It was then when they learnt about the Global Work Party on 10/10/10 campaign. Their energy and enthusiasm tripled then, and they got to work!

In 10 different locations around the city people will be able to do good deeds, collecting garbage. Of course, making the city clean and beautiful is not the only goal of this action. There will be a big-scale information campaign, raising awareness among the citizens and trying to engage them in the action. So that in the end not only the city will be cleaned up, but people's conscience will change, too. To live in a clean and beautiful city should be perceived as a norm, while today's situation – mounds of trash on people's favourite picnic spot – should be put to an end. “It has to stop!”, say the activists of “No.More.Garbage”.

The volunteers have already located 10 spots for their action on 10/10/10, got support from other organisations in the city, are talking with potential sponsors and with the city administration. Every day they publish news on the campaign's website www.101010.obninsk.ru New people join the organization, sometimes right after having heard about it on street! People in Obninsk got to work! You should join too!

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