On October 8 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its special report into 1.5°C. It confirms that 1.5°C is a red line for our climate — and that the window for staying below that limit is closing fast.

This report should be a wake up call for decision-makers at every level of government, business and the media. And it should be a call to action for our movement.

This October, you can help decision-makers in your community hear the scientists’ message: 1.5°C = Zero fossil fuels.



In the days immediately after the report’s release, and especially on Saturday October 13, we are asking groups to deliver the IPCC’s report to local decision-makers supporting the fossil fuel industry. This is our chance to show them – whether politicians, CEOs, or investment fund managers – exactly what supporting the fossil fuel industry means.

How you want to deliver the report is up to you: from simply printing a copy and hand delivering it to your target, to human signs and banner drops. Whatever gets the message across.

Sign up now to get a copy of the report and plan your action. We will send you action guides and other resources to help you organise your delivery as soon as they are ready.

Don’t want to organise an event? Help spread the word by sharing this video on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Youtube and stay up to date by joining the Fossil Free movement:

Join the Fossil Free movement

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