Next week Donald Trump’s Inauguration ceremonies begin.

A majority of people in America did not vote for Trump — he got almost 3 million fewer votes. Together we can make sure that this majority is visible, fired up, and heard by people in power.

On January 23rd in the first 100 hours after Inauguration, students are holding nationwide actions — calling on their campuses to resist and reject Trump’s climate denial by divesting from the fossil fuel industry and reinvesting in solutions to the climate crisis.

In so many times of crisis in our country, students have led the way towards justice with courageous mass mobilization. This is one of the moments when we need the leadership of young people most of all.

Go here to find a #ResistRejectDenial action near you — or step up to organize one — and help show that we will not stand by while Trump stacks his cabinet with climate deniers, white supremacists, and Wall Street bankers.


I’m going to be honest: it will hurt to watch Trump take the oath of office. To heal that heartbreak, the reaction from our movement needs to be swift, and large. These walkouts will show the Trump administration that they do not have the consent of the generation most affected by climate change for their disastrous energy policies.

This will be the largest coordinated student action in our movement’s history.

Time is up for our colleges and universities to divest from the fossil fuel industry and reinvest in a just transition away from fossil fuels. There is no room for neutrality when the president of the United States is actively threatening the very future of this planet.

These walkouts will be the first ripples of a wave of continuous escalation that will crest this Spring. This action is only the beginning — but the bigger we begin, the more impressive our impact will be in the weeks to come.

Join us in the next step in mobilizing against Trump’s climate denial agenda by joining the January 23rd day of action here.

See you out there.

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