Since they are far too modest to post it themselves, I’m publishing the Letter to the Editor that team members Jamie Henn and Roselin Dey just got published in the New York Times.  It gets the 350 message out there yet again, and demonstrates the kind of collaboration we’re seeing on the ground in Copenhagen.

To the Editor:

Re “Forecast: Expect Temperatures to Rise in Copenhagen” (Week in Review, Dec. 6):

Despite many divisions at the Copenhagen climate talks, there is one part of society that is united: young people. The two of us, both in our 20s, from India and the United States, are here in Copenhagen with over 1,000 more youth from over 100 countries as part of a growing international youth climate movement.

This October, we helped organize over 5,200 events in over 180 countries to call for a strong climate target to safeguard our survival: 350 parts per million, the safe upper limit of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Now we’re looking for our leaders to set aside the divisions that we as youth have overcome and sign a fair, ambitious and binding treaty here in Copenhagen. If we can work together, so can our parents.

Roselin Dey
Jamie Henn
Copenhagen, Dec. 6, 2009

The writers are organizers with

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